Friday, December 4, 2009

pantai pantai pantaiiii

saye suke pntai.
kami ske pantai.
lets have fun at the beach during school holidays like we use to do :)

sir raje slalu psan jgn membontoti penonton :P..ade aku keysa?cak cakcakk! hohoho
girls gone wild..insanity is our moto of life :)when aimi n i were sad,farah always give us the dop mu?
i know she look innocent.but she is not.i am the innocent one :DD LOL


aku bowink gle dduk umah.pas2 tbe2 aimi kol.die ckp die ktorang kua gi mm.konon nk men ble da sampai kt sne bowling ttup.bgang ktorang pon jalan2 dkt dalam mm.ade 1 tyme 2 aku pegi guardian pas2 ade sowang abg gewmok n kakak nie die gi kt tmpat kondom.pas2 die pon tnye kt kakak 2 'u nk yg mne?'hahahha.aku ngan slumber badak nyew gi glak kt dpn die.abg gewmok 2 pwasahan kott.pas2 die tgk semacam kt aku..euwww! gelii gilee.pas2 aimi kate mse lorong nk gi tndas die pegi shuffle.aimi says:gelii gile.hahah.


ble ktowang da bowing tahap cipan ktowang pon pegi la dkt reject gilee tgk bju bdk2.sbb cute giler.i wish ade bju2 tu untuk adult klu utk farah die xkeysa kott.sbb muat :DD hohoho..
i wish i could fit in this mini howt!
nana jr must be so cute in this ettire :P

aimi says: jacket nie kaler mcm TAIK! hahahahha..mmg pon :DD LOL
i love colourful stripes.

she is so adorable :)

p/s: i wish farah n kunor were here.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


aritu aimi ajak aku gi mm tp mami x de umah so die x ley anta yg best nye die dtg lepak umah aku.suke sgt sbb rndoo gle kt die sbb die blek kg agak lame so sgt best hangout ngan aimi.ktowang online kt umah aku da lame sket tu ade la idea bodo utk tgkap gmba dalam hujan smbil pkai make up yg heavy(sgt burok sies la).tp x keysa sbb 2 mmg motif ni gmba2 yg tersgt lah vain yg aku n aimi tgkap.hehe.

p/s: aku taw pic nie crappy tp tgk jela.hahaha

pic 1:spe nk mkn selipar?
pic 2:tgh tahan nk kentot. :DD
pic 3:fav pic aku n aimi.she look so howt! love u aimi! (jgn pwasan aimi.hahaha)
pic 4:candid sbnarnye.aimi ske pic nie,tp aku benci gile vavi.leka ckp aku cm donald duck.haha
pic 5:born to be fun.hell yeah.ske pic nie.aimi comel!!